So, my cousin told me that he had a surprise for me. That he was working on a project that would make me proud. See, he always told me that I was one of the people who he respected in terms of musical taste and that he looked up to me when it came to that. He became a DJ partially due to some of the musical knowledge I passed on to him. And now he has evolved again. Before he started this new venture, he came to me and asked my advice. I told him to write lyrics that have changed you, and will change the world. I told him to remember that he is competing with Drake, Kanye, and Jay, not Lil' whoever on his block. I told him to dream BIG. And more importantly, I told him he could do it.
Guess what? He did.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I PROUDLY present to the world...
KidKold -- U-Love
KidKold -- Common Trend
I have never been prouder. This is EXACTLY how I wanted you to hit 'em.