...bringing SEXY blogs back.

...bringing SEXY blogs back.


THROWBACK PERFORMANCE OF THE MONTH (with meaning): Boyz II Men -- Please Don't Go

Sometimes when it gets to much, you just have to go back to the beginning, and ask yourself "When it gets close to the end, who's hand do I want to be holding?"

"The Beatles got it right..., love's not that complicated, sometimes it's just about... 'I wanna hold your hand.'"

What I'm trying to say, is that sometimes, it gets hard, it gets crazy, it gets complicated... but if we clear all that away, we can choose to press the RESET button and choose to take that same leap of faith that got us as far as we got in the first place (when we knew nothing or very little about each other and nothing was guaranteed -- we just didn't want to be apart from that special person).  Forgiveness is a miracle we can all perform, a gift we can all give.  Because when it's all said and done, we're better together, aren't we?... Aren't we?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this man. I know you didn't do it for me... but it took me back. I want to be on that stage with you again. I was happiest there.

Your brother.

Curtis said...

It’s good to know that being on stage with me made you happy. You were really good with me. Hopefully, we can make that happen again.

24/7 for life.